MSIG Insurance Europe AG (MSIGEU) is pleased to announce a key leadership change as part of its ongoing merger project with MS Amlin Insurance S.E. (MSAISE). Read more about it in our newest press release.
Nos bureaux seront exceptionnellement fermés à partir de 12h les 24 décembre et 31 décembre 2020.
As of January 1, 2021, we welcome Martin Saffenreuter and Dirk Reissberg to our team.
With effect from October 1, 2020 Volker Eggers became Head of Finance at MSIG Insurance Europe AG (MSIGEU).
With effect from September 1, 2020 Yoshio Motohashi is appointed as new member of the Management Board of MSIG Insurance Europe AG (MSIGEU).
Since July 1, 2020 Karsten Steinicke joined MSIG Insurance Europe AG (MSIGEU) as risk engineer for technical insurance.
On July 1, 2020 Julia Wohlfarth will become Senior Relationship & Account Manager at MSIG Insurance Europe AG (MSIGEU).
For the fourth time, MSIGEU publishes its Solvency and Financial Condition Report (“SFCR”).
Due to the increasing spread of the coronavirus, also in Europe, MSIGEU has taken numerous measures to protect its employees, customers and partners.